24 Septembre 2024Producers weigh in on weaning, preg-checking and more 🎙️ Knowing the production practices producers adopt across Canada and which they don't (and...
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10 Septembre 2024Results of the Inaugural Canadian Cow-Calf Survey🎙️ CLICK THE PLAY BUTTON TO LISTEN TO THIS POST: Listen to more episodes...
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19 Mars 2024BCRC’s Producer Survey Helps Check-Off Dollars Go Further and Supports Consumer Confidence 🎙️ Understanding the current adoption of pain...
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14 Mars 2024Cow-Calf Producers, Your Perspective Ought To Be Heard The BCRC is asking all Canadian cow-calf producers to share insight into their on-farm...
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23 Janvier 2024Say "Beef" - We're Taking a Snapshot! 🎙️ Finding profit opportunities for beef cattle producers utilizing various production systems brings...
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21 November 2023À la découverte des réalités de la production canadienne de veaux en 2023 : aidez-nous à actualiser les normes de production de partout au Canada Le Beef Cattle Research Council (BCRC) demande à...
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